the heart of GG&T

Hey girl! ♥︎

I’m so excited you’re here. I want to create a space for girls to find joy in the amazing life God has designed for us as young women.

Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6a). 

I’m convinced and truly believe that Christ offers a life that’s nowhere near anything we can achieve by our accomplishments, “goodness,” hard work, or will. 

God transforms broken, sinful lives into redeemed ones. He brings hope and perseverance through trials. He offers forgiveness and patience despite our sinfulness and failures. He loves His children beyond our comprehension. He gives us a new identity as a daughter of the King. He gives purpose

By placing our faith and trust in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection–laying down all of our mistakes and failures and sins at the foot of the cross in repentance and surrender–we are made pure in God’s eyes. When He opens our eyes to the truth that He is the way to salvation, forgiveness, and freedom, there is no turning back. 

My deepest prayer is that you would see that God’s design is beautiful, fulfilling, and eternally worth it. 

God is just, merciful, immense, gracious, all-powerful, good, and holy. How amazing that though we are broken and needy and desperately wicked, that He provided Jesus Christ, His only Son, to be the Way for sinners to be made right with God.

I pray this blog would lead you to the unchanging truth of Christ, whether you’re already saved, have never understood what the Gospel is, think Christians are insane, or have turned your back on a faith you grew up in but never understood or wanted for yourself. 

Friends–sisters–He is it. No achievement, relationship, sacrifice, career, grade, followers, or fame will give you what you need. 

Christ is the answer to our deepest longings and greatest desires.

As you go through this journey of life, I hope you’ll tag along as we study, celebrate, and embrace God’s amazing design for you and me.